The argument that private social media company’s can do what they want is a fallacy. 

When people say “Free speech protections doesn’t protect individuals from censorship by private sectors.”

My response is “So basically you’re saying that Rosa Parks should have built her own bus company? Why do you support the oligarchs that want you to be their slave?”

When they respond, “It’s a fucking social media platform controlled by a private sector who can pick and choose who they allow, don’t confuse it with the bill of rights which are guarantees that protect the american people in the constitution.”

I retort, “It’s a fucking bus company controlled by a private sector who can pick and choose who they allow on the bus and where they can sit, don’t confuse it with the bill of rights which are guarantees that protect the American people in the constitution. #RosaParks”

When they respond, “No they weren’t Montgomery buses at that time were owned by a public transportation company wasn’t private. Federal Transit Authority since 1964 has partnered with state and local governments to create and enhance public transportation systems.”

I respond, “The Montgomery Bus Lines was a PRIVATE COMPANY with a contract from the city to handle the city’s bus lines. “This boycott proved disastrous for Montgomery City Lines, costing the company $750,000” & “The company had to adhere to the city and state laws.”