The reason America went from the greatest country on Earth to the one of the poorest, and why so many people voted for Trump, is because of the following:

  • The social fabric across the country was decimated, as a matter of policy.
  • Most of the country’s towns and cities were build on industry, but that was all destroyed by:
  • China being accepted into the WTO, NAFTA passing, after the free trade doctrine won, all those jobs went overseas where they have lax health and safety regulations, where they have lower wages, where they have spurious human rights.
  • This caused all the factories to close down and all the jobs went away.
  • This left the middle class people with no money / savings. 
  • We were sold the idea that the manufacturing jobs would be replaced 1 to 1 with better paying jobs and that never happened.
  • Entire towns, cities and communities were DECIMATED by public policy.
  • The people left in those small towns were left to die.