What were the values of the people that first came to America that established it’s culture and made it such an amazing place to live, that everyone in 2024 is still benefiting from, even though it waning quickly? Putting it more succinctly, what made America such a great place? What is the secret recipe that, if possible, you could replicate somewhere else? What is our “National Identity”?

  1. Everything that’s in the Constituiton
    1. Freedom of Speech, Right to Bear Arms, etc.
  2. Christian belief system, that ensured our laws are based on the Bible.
  3. Belief that the greater the government the greater the tyranny and thus keep the government as small as possible.
  4. Complete distrust of anyone in government or in power.
    1. That’s why the 2nd Amendment was enshrined in the Constitution and the Founding Fathers specifically told us to keep your guns so you can overthrow the government if they ever become tyrannical.
  5. Hardy Adventurous People: People that were willing to leave the world they knew behind, get on a 6 month boat ride to the US that may result in them dying on the way, only to arrive in a world where no one is there to help them and in fact is hostile toward them, as seen by the Indians that kill them when given the chance.
  6. The people that came later, from the 1800s onward, came here to assimilate and were bullied into assimilating (racism), that made them tougher and stronger that ever before. The weak left and went back to where they came from. Those that could tolerate the heat, assimilate and fit in, were welcomed.
  7. Entrepreneurs flocked to this new land as they are often the most adventurous and fearless people there are.
  8. Those that first came, came with a Puritan Work Ethic: be hardworking, be industrious, grind, toil, build something with your own two hands and NO ONE is coming to save you. You’re either goign to make something of yourself or die trying.
  9. The country attracted warriors too. They knew they wold get shot at and potentially killed by simply wandering into Indian territory, but were willing to take the risk anyway.
  10. We came in and created what is currently the most powerful country in the world, on the back of these American Ideals:
    1. Puritan Values of hard work, self-reliance, industriousness, get it done attitude, don’ complain, work around the clock, reap what you sow, no one is going to help you, no one is going to give you anything, don’t tread on anyone and don’t take from anyone else, smallest government possible, and a set of documents that enshrined certain inalienable rights we all have the government can not take away from us. All of this together gave us the American Dream, in which anything is possible if you can envision it and then grind to make it happen.

Why Are These Values Dying?

America is now dying because we the people have allowed these great values atrophy. We no longer teach “American Values” in school because we allowed the Marxist to take over the institutions. We also empowered our women, and empowered women don’t have babies and thus your society dies. Plus, women’s biological imperative is to be taken care of, with the littlest amount of work possible, thus they vote for socialism and communism (work is hard, I just want free stuff without having to get it from a man), a police state (I don’t want to defend myself and my own children, I want someone else to do that), and open borders (it’s not fair everyone can’t enjoy this place, plus all these masculine men coming across the border are kind of cute).


If you’re going to pour into this country and assimilate like mad, and adopted the puritan mindset of “no one is coming to save me, I have to do this by myself, I am going to work very hard, I’m not going to expect anyone to give me anything, I want to contribute meaningfully to society, I want to build honorable things that make the country even better, I want the government to leave me alone, etc. And if you only let people with these values in and that have a high intellect, then 2024 immigration wouldn’t be as bad as it is.

People that don’t all share the same values in one area will eventually kill each other. That’s why multiculturalism is PURE CANCER for society.

If you let everyone in without any screening and give them free welfare and then teach them that America is a systemically racist place that hates them, then the expected outcome is pure hell.