How Was She Evil?

  • THROAT SURGERY: She told you that your snoring was keeping her awake and asked you to sleep in the other room. In response, you sought medical help. The ENT recommended removing the back of your throat with a laser. You explained the procedure to your wife, and she encouraged you to proceed. The surgery and recovery were incredibly painful, but she seemed not to care when you were in recovery mode. This reminded you of when your nose wouldn’t stop bleeding, and you asked her to drive you to urgent care and then to the emergency room. She was getting annoyed and angry and just wanted to go home. You thought she was being a selfish cunt, and you were right. Years later, when she sued you for lifetime alimony and child support, your attorney told you to look for her journal to see if there was anything in there that would help you build a defense against her lawsuit. There turned out to be plenty of information that was helpful in your defense. One such case was that she wrote in her journal that it wasn’t your snoring that was bothering her, and thus she wanted you in the other room, and thus the surgery would remedy that problem. No, it turned out that she just didn’t want you in the same room as her! She could have been honest and told you not to do the dangerous and painful surgery as it’s not your snoring that is the issue; it’s that she doesn’t like you. That’s some evil shit right there! If you know someone is going to get dangerous and painful surgery done to remedy a problem you state exists, and you know the surgery is not going to change your feelings on the subject, and you say nothing to stop them and, in fact, encourage them, you are pure evil.