3rd world

How Do We Solve The Illegal Alien Invasion of the West?

I see 3 possible solutions to the problem:

1. We take women’s rights away and end ALL welfare immediately and start the healing process.

For the record, 67% of all Federal Spending is for Welfare. That’s why we’re 35 Trillion in debt right now. No one will do this though because women make up 51% of the voting block (and they’re the ones that overwhelmingly vote for welfare, open borders and a police state) and any politician that gets rid of the welfare will be immediately replaced in the next election by a politician that will promise to start giving the welfare out again. That’s why they would have to take women’s voting rights away first. But who is going to do that? I see no political will do so. Thus, we move on to option #2.

2. The true American fighting men rise up and overthrow the government, get rid of all welfare immediately, shoot any rioters in the face when they chimp out over their EBT cards not working, kick all the foreigners out, throws all the communists from helicopters, take women’s rights away, institute patriarchy again and the native born population starts growing again. Only then can the nation heal from 100 years of Feminism. I just don’t see this happening though as the percentage of people that fully understand the problem and what needs to be done to fix it is very small and the percentage that are willing to implement the painful steps is even smaller. They would be viewed as the Taliban of the West. Thus, we move on to option #3.

3. We allow millions of young fighting age men into the country from patriarchal societies where women have no rights (which is why they have 7+ kids each) and we allow them to rape and murder and have 7+ kids each until they control the country and they institute patriarchy again. This is happening as we speak in all Western Countries. Thus, I think option #3 is indeed the plan which is why no one in power is stopping it.

Oy Vey!

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